What is MARA? MARA’s Role in Australian Migration

Even if you are eligible for an Australian migration visa, there are many pitfalls that can cause failure of your application. The process is complicated, requiring the services of a good migration agent to Australia. During this choosing process, you will come across ‘MARA’ let’s look at how important this body is to Australian migration.

What is MARA?
The Migration Agents Registration Authority or MARA is part of the Department of Immigration and Border Patrol and the proper name is really, OMARA – The Office of Migration Agents Registration Authority. Check out their official website for more details. https://www.mara.gov.au/

Key Functions and Objectives of MARA
MARA’s job is to regulate Australian Migration Agents and oversee any agencies offering Australian immigration services; as such dealing with an Australian registered migration agent is very important.

Here are MARA’s main objectives as listed on their website

● Clients needing migration service understand their rights
● Registered agents understand their responsibilities
● Registration of only suitable bodies as agents and refusing registration to others not conforming to standards
● Ensure agents are up-to-date on visa regulations with proper knowledge and skills to offer accurate advice to clients
● Monitoring agents for integrity, conduct and service quality
● Clients of registered or formerly registered agents have a proper platform to complain
● Handling of complaints effectively

Why is MARA Important to you when choosing an Australia Migration Agent?
MARA is your most important link in the migration process as it ensures the registered agent handling your application is acting responsibly. Any agent signing up with MARA has to follow a Code of Conduct.

What is the MARA “Code of Conduct”?
MARA registered Australian migration agents are given a Code of Conduct, set out in legislation to control the conduct of agents. Their obligations towards clients are clearly marked ensuring a fair and honest practice. Do check out the Code of Conduct and practise guides as outlaid on the MARA website.

Obligations of a Migration Agent under the MARA Code of Conduct
Some key obligations listed in the Code of Conduct are as follows;
● Interactions with clients
● Proper fees, charges and record keeping
● Required to respond to any complaints made against them via MARA

Remember choosing an experienced and professional agent will ensure success in your migration process!

For a no-obligation quote and initial consultation contact our friendly team at Sure Migration agents in Perth.

How to choose the best Australian Migration Agent

Australian Migration Guide – Tips to Find The Best Registered Migration Agent to suit your needs
Dreaming of living, working, studying or holidaying in the amazing land down under? You are not alone, Australia is on nearly everyone’s dream list and with so many people trying to get in, your application needs to stand out and be perfect, hence considering applying via a professional Australian Registered Migration Agent is a very important decision to make. Here’s how you find the best Registered Migration Agent to suit your needs.

Avoid the commission or sale driven migration agents
If you are hounded by a migration agent to sign a contract with them even before analysing your eligibility to migrate, avoid them. Many sales reps hired to promote the business have only their commissions at heart. Look for an agent registered with MARA (migration agents registration authority) a requisite for all legit migration agents in Australia. Talk to them first over the phone and make sure the Registered Migration Agent is a good fit for your application. Many agents specialise in certain areas and your requirements may be unique.

Experience in Migration Counts
Look for an agent with lots of experience to back them up. Only through experience gained over a course of time will a good agent know what Home Affairs is looking for and which angle to push your application form for success. Legislations change constantly hence it’s good to go with a migration agent up to date and savvy with the latest requirements.

Customer feedback can be a great proof of the best migration agent for your application
Research; explore the company’s media pages, reviews on Google and customer testimonials – excellent methods for judging the agent’s service. You can also check the MARA website to see if the company you are looking into is listed or reviewed.

Check for MARA Registration
Be sure to check with MARA to see if the agent is registered.
Here are the pros and cons of registered – non-registered agents;
● Regulated – Not regulated
● Annual CPD (continuing professional development) is mandatory – No CPD
● Reports to relevant authority – No authority to report to
● Is constantly observed – No governing authority

Be Aware of the migration agents fees before you commit to working with them.
Migration and visa application fees depend on circumstance, visa and experience of the migration agent. Factors contributing to migration fees include consultation charges and migration consultation price. A start-up fee to discuss your migration potential is often charged varying from $50 to $300. Choose Australian migration agents offering value for money via a range of services, coupled with experience and a high success rate.

For a no-obligation quote and initial consultation contact our friendly team at Sure Migration agents in Perth.